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Our trademark services

Expert services.  Fixed fees.  Clear and easy to understand.

Streamlined, personalised support to help you register a trademark. 

Clear, expert guidance on navigating examination reports to ensure your trademark gets accepted.

Proactive trademark monitoring to help you stop trademark infringement.

Effective trademark enforcement to defend your brand and stop trademark infringement.

Comprehensive portfolio audits to optimise your trademark strategy.

Strategic guidance and tailored advice to navigate the complexities of trademark law.

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If you have a trademark issue, task or question, feel free to reach out. We are here to help. 

“Markster successfully registered Subsea's trade marks after we’d been unsuccessful doing it ourselves. Working with the team was very easy and straightforward. We’d recommend Markster - I couldn’t be happier with the outcome and the process.”

Ed Korber

Managing Director, Subsea

“I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Markster. Thorough, commercial and professional - among the best lawyers I’ve worked with.”

David Sparks

Co-founder, AirAuctioneer

“We were facing challenges with trademarking our business name and logo, until we engaged the Markster team. It didn’t take long for our trade mark applications to be accepted, thanks to Markster."

Thomas Kuzma

Managing Director, Xmedia

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